Golden Puppies
If you are interested in a puppy, filling out our questionnaire is the first step in the process. Please include your Veterinarian as one of the three references. Please let them know that you are looking into getting a puppy from us and that it is okay to release the information to me when I call for your Vet reference.
Our litters are planned months in advance, pedigrees are researched generations back to ensure happy, healthy and sound puppies. We will choose which puppy best suits your family, we have spent time with the puppies since day ONE. Our puppies are dewormed at 2, 4, 6 & 8 weeks of age, and receive their first puppy vaccine between 7 & 8 weeks. Puppies are sent home with a Puppy Packet, the parent’s health clearances, a health certificate on each puppy from our Veterinarian, feeding instructions, and TOYS. 🙂
Our puppies are sold on spay/neuter contracts with AKC Limited Registrations.
We are always here for you, for the lifetime of your puppy. Please get in touch with us, at any time, with any questions you may have. Email is best as I’m not always near my phone.